Lil Mtn Sugar Petals

DOB: 06.10.21

Pete is everyone’s favorite little gal. She was such a tiny little girl with a giant appetite. If you turn around for a second, she’s jumping up on your legs and goodness forbid you squat because you’re going to be doing some goat yoga, compliments of miss Pete. She comes from a rocking pedigree and has already done well in the show ring.

Dam Udder

CH Lil Mtn FL Paper Moonflower

Dam Rear View

CH Lil Mtn FL Paper Moonflower


CH Lil Mtn FL Paper Moonflower


  • 2021 Hamilton Show - 1× 1st place 6-20 mo kid - open show

  • One of quads

  • Buckskin

  • Disbudded

